Office Space

Now that we have seen a week of 80 degree temperatures in Chicago, I think it might be time to talk about the environment.  Wearing shorts and playing golf on St. Patrick’s Day is very unusual in this part of the country, and at least for me it goes beyond “isn’t this wonderful” to “this is weird.”  Anyway, the external environment is a topic for other blogs and for those with more scientific minds than mine.  I would like to talk about the work environment, an area where we can have much greater control.

It is interesting to me that over the last 25 years not a lot has changed in the offices where marketing executives work.  Business casual in most companies has replaced the strict business attire of the mid-80’s and laptops with docking stations have replaced desktop computers, but other than that not a whole lot has changed.  Marketing executives are still working in offices and cubicles.  There are still meeting rooms that need to be reserved and phones that are attached to wires.  People still seem to spend 9-10 hours a day in the office, although it seems much of their real work gets done at night.  In this type of environment, is it any wonder that creativity seems a little stifled? Continue reading

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