My blog last week on leadership sparked a lot of interest and I was thrilled when a friend sent me Mike Myatt’s article that was posted on the Forbes website late last year. It is an incredible piece that claims leadership is really all about pursuit. Great leaders are never satisfied with anything and are always looking for ways to make things better. They hate the status quo, even when they appear to be winning. They need to be going after something. They are constantly restless.
Myatt goes on to make the logical point that the pursuit must be after something that is targeted and worth attaining. This is where vision is so important. The pursuit can’t be trivial and should be shared throughout the organization. You must pursue the right things at the right time and for the right reasons. This pursuit needs to be focused, consistent, aggressive and unyielding. Perhaps the picture that comes to my mind from the article would be a big cat going after their prey, recognizing that only if they succeed will their family eat. I would compare that to the dog you see going around in circles chasing their own tail. The pursuit may be just as strong but to what end? Continue reading