

Favorite Books                                                                                                                      

Outliers: The Story of Success – Malcolm Gladwell

Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? – Seth Godin

The Deviant’s Advantage – Watts Wacker and Ryan Mathews

Blue Ocean Strategy – W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne

The Leadership Engine – Noel Tichy (must read preface)

Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid – C.K.. Prahalad

The Innovator’s Prescription – Clayton M. Christensen

Wage Theft in America – Kim Bobo

Hot, Flat and Crowded – Thomas Friedman (read all of his)

There Are No Children Here – Alex Kotlowitz


Favorites For Daily Readings                                                                                              

The Economist

The Harvard Business Review

The New York Times

The Wall Street Journal

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Pharmalive – News and updates on the pharmaceutical industry including research and development, and new drug approvals.

Cafepharma –  Discover what pharmaceutical representatives are saying and thinking.

Pharmalot – Commentary on the pharmaceutical industry and related litigation.



US Food and Drug Administration

Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation

First Matter

The Huffington Post

The Drudge Report


Industry Webconferences                                                                                                   

Sidley Austin – Useful teleconferences on legal issues being faced by the industry.

Quarterly earnings teleconferences – Both large and small companies.

FDA advisory board meetings – Announced on FDA website.
